2024 ROAD Conference

Shaping the Future - Insights for Tomorrow's Professional

The 2024 ROAD Conference will span two days, March 1 and March 2, 2024. March 1 will be specific for pre-health educators, and March 2 will be specific for pre-medical students. Please see below for more information about each day.

March 1: Pre-Health Educator Day (8:30 am - 1:30 pm)

The first day of this annual conference is dedicated to pre-health educators with insights into guiding students on their path to becoming medical doctors. Receive expert advice and explore topics such as medical school prerequisites and application timelines, spanning both allopathic and osteopathic medicine perspectives. This event will be offered in a hybrid capacity - attend either in-person or online.



8:30 am

Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:00 am

Keynote Speaker - Kenny Banh, MD, FACEP, Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Medical Education, Professor of Emergency Medicine, Director, Mobile Health and Learning, Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Medical Education, UCSF Fresno

9:30 am

Session I: The Path to an Allopathic Medical School - UCSF

10:30 am

Session II: The Path to an Osteopathic Medical School - CHSU

11:30 am

Session III: Multi-Institution Informational Panel and Q&A

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Lunch and Networking


UCSF Fresno, 155 N. Fresno St., Fresno, CA 93701

Target Audience:
  • San Joaquin Valley College STEM Counselors/Teachers/Faculty
  • High School Health Pathway Teachers


Register today


March 2: Pre-Medical Student Day (8 am - 2 pm)

The second day of this annual conference was created to support pre-medical students on their journey to becoming a medical professional. Network with fellow pre-medical students, gain valuable insights into navigating the career pathway, learn from a live panel of current medical professionals, and conclude the day with an interactive clinical experience.



8:00 am

Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:00 am

Keynote Speaker - Kenny Banh, MD, FACEP, Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Medical Education, Professor of Emergency Medicine, Director, Mobile Health and Learning, Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Medical Education, UCSF Fresno

9:30 am

Session I: Journey Towards Medical School

10:10 am

Session II: Financing Your Medical School Education

11:00 am

Session III: An Overview of the AMCAS Application - SJV Prime

11:40 am

Session IV: Panel and Q&A with Medical Students

12:15 pm

Lunch and Networking

1 pm - 2 pm

Interactive Clinical Simulation Lab


UCSF Fresno, 155 N. Fresno St., Fresno, CA 93701

Target Audience:
  • SJV-MedBridge Students
  • Pre-Med Transfer Students
  • UCSF Fresno Partner High School Students - by invitation only


Register today

The ROAD Conference is generously funded by the California Medicine Scholars Program and the Fresno-Madera K16 Collaborative.